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Showing posts with the label digestive system

How to Keep Your Digestive System Healthy Over the Festive Season

  It is that time of the year again. Christmas time is a time for family, laughter, eating and OVER – INDULGENCE . We are all guilty of it, but always pay the price in the new year when our digestive systems are in dis-array. Feasting over Christmas is a key part of festivities, but too much of the rich, fatty and sweet foods throw out that important gut balance. A few tips to incorporate into your daily life to keep things running smoothly are:   Eat a high fibre diet   Choose lean meats Limit foods that are high in fat Incorporate pre-biotics and pro-biotics into your diet. If you suffer from IBS, try the FODMAP diet If you suffer from Diabetes, monitor your sugar intake Eat on schedule Stay hydrated Limit alcohol, smoking and increase your exercise Another crucial step is to include a supplement to assist your digestive system, which we should all consider.  There are many supplements out there which assist our digestive s...